Good Mill Innovation

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Research and development, sophisticated technologies as well as well-informed and health-conscious consumers are the reasons why food ingredients, as our core market, are subject to constant change. Consumers demand timeliness, transparency and traceability from their daily foods, all of which requires constant adjustment for the food industry. The demand for an experienced and imaginative partner for high quality raw materials and ingredients based on grain is on the rise and has become a market-defining factor.

This demand is one of the core principles of the philosophy GoodMills Innovation lives up to. We are your experienced partner in the fields of research, development and the production of functional grain-based specialty ingredients.

With our sound know-how of raw materials and applications and our long-term experience in groundbreaking refinement technologies, we are able to offer competent and valuable advice based on a mutual partnership. Our motivation brings about a very special added value. We challenge ourselves every day to develop grain-based products that promise that your products will be successful and that they will also enrich the market.

Innovation Center

Expectations and demands made on food are on the rise. Food products must be natural, have a fresh taste and must be easy and convenient to prepare every day. They need to have an adequate shelf life, promote physical and mental health, make fit and not fat, and the list of ingredients should be simple (clean label).

We are trying hard to meet all these requirements with our latest developments. However, development work needs input, creative space, technical equipment and the best raw materials which we enhance to suit your requirements. This is all possible in our GoodMills Innovation Center, built in 2009. Here we have the opportunity to organize creative “Open Innovation” seminars where our experienced product developers use selected raw materials and sophisticated equipment to create and perfect new products.

Please get in touch with us and design products with us that will open new markets.

We unlock the power of grain!



Our product range offers a wealth of different products for various areas of application. There are different ways for you to find your individual application field on this site. First of all, you can use the Search function at the top right of this page, or you can navigate via the key words on the left. If you do not find your particular area of application or if you need immediate advice on a specific application, please give us a call. Phone: 0049 (0)40 - 75109-666


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Via G. La Farina is. 92 n. 96 - 98123 Messina